Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Inter alia

so, I can't really give my post a date number b/c I haven't been on one, instead, among other things I have had the flu and a cold and other medical issues AND gotten sucked into the seriously disturbing tv series Dexter. Never watch this show. It will terrify you and you will be forced to watch to the end to make sure everyone is okay. It's like 24 only far far creepier. Point being, when one is sick and has been sucked into a TV hole, dating is nigh impossible.

Anyhow, have a date tomorrow, kind of. My ex. Kind of actually not that thrilled about it. We broke up going on 8 months ago and I think (this is prior to the date now), I may be over it (but I did have that completely opposite feeling after my brunch, see earlier post). I get it, he doesn't want to go out with me. He's going to call every 3 months and express some sort of sentiment that claims that he misses me and cares deeply for me. While being possibly true, I have decided that the sentiment might not be getting me too far. Great! Someone out there doesn't want me to get hit by a bus, fantastic. It's like someone taunting you with a delicious promise of smores but never actually giving you them. And this isn't a euphemism for sex. "Calliope, I know you love smores...and maybe someday I'll be ready to give you one." Um, I'd like my smore now, please. Or, if you are just going to (what amounts to) taunt me with it, please depart and stop speaking nonsense. Okay, end of bad metaphor. But seriously. I expect the date to go like this and will report back on the actuality of the date:
He's super nice, a tiny bit flirty but not much.
I flirt, but am a bit aloof b/c he broke up with me, not vice versa.
My coworkers who have met him are stunned that he is accompanying me to a work event.
I have to spend rest of week and early part of next explaining to coworkers that we are not back together and feeling awkward about the whole thing.
He calls me in 3 months to go to brunch.


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